Saturday, January 4, 2014


Our tiny little rainbow is here!

I was induced Monday morning due to Cholestasis at 38 weeks. We were in our room at 5am, the doctor came in at 5:30am to start things, and by 6am I was already hooked up to an IV with pitocin, contracting regularly, and my water was broken. That was about the extent of it all...

By 9am I was maxed out at 30 on the pitocin with very strong and regular contractions. I was not progressing beyond a one, but my contractions were really rough. I was afraid to get an epidural that early on, but my nurse finally convinced me that it was certainly warranted. I finally got the epi in around 11am and tried to rest as much as I could.

The baby started to have some serious issues, so I was put on oxygen, given something to help me relax, and flipped and flopped for a while to keep his heart rate up. It was finally decided at 4pm that I would have a csection. I never went beyond a centimeter. I was prepared for the possibility of a csection, but the announcement had me sobbing instantly. I was terrified to be separated from him.

The csection was rough. He refused to come down and they had to chase him out of there. I remember hearing the doctor laugh with the nurse because he absolutely refused to come out. All of the people in there apologized and tried to help me make it through the discomfort of pulling him out.

He struggled to breathe in the beginning. I was wheeled in to be with him, but could not hold or touch him. I finally had a chance about an hour later to hold him briefly before they took him to the nicu for another couple of hours to help him out. I was devastated and still cry about it now. That was honestly the longest two hours of my life!

We finally had our little guy with us, we were discharged, and less than 24 hours later he was readmitted for a very fast jump in his bilirubin. I had some engorgement issues becuase my milk just happened to come in full force during the whole doctor to hospital process, but after two days, we are once again home and happy. I am absolutely in love with this little person. The journey was a nightmare, but honestly I would do it a thousand times over for our little Charlie! My love and absolute adoration for him is more than I ever hoped for!

                                                         Our little Rainbow - Charlie
                                                              6lbs 15oz, 19.5in  long


Amber said...

What an absolute cutie! I can relate to you so much in that I was terrified of a csection, cried during the entire thing, and couldn't see my babies for their first two days. I got to see them very very briefly after they were born, and then for about 45 minutes the second day. I was awful. They were born at 33w2d so we've now been in the NICU for 2 weeks tomorrow, but they are both doing fantastic. I read that you have been ttc for about 11 years. It's been 14 for us. I am so happy for you that you finally have your little one in your arms. Congratulations!

JustHeather said...


Familyofthree said...

Congratulations! I feel both your pain and elation that comes with the arrival of a hard fought for child! We too had a long journey--10 years then a miscarriage, and then finally 3 years after that our son arrived. You are in the for the ride of your life! Enjoy every moment of this little life for before you know it he will be a toddler and you will wonder where that tiny little baby went.

Anonymous said...

first tiem reader - wanted to offer you my heartfelt congraulations!!!

tireegal68 said...

Hi I came over from
LFCA. Congratulations on your beautiful boy! So sorry that delivery was so rough. He is adorable. I hope it's smooth sailing from now on!

Michelle said...

Congrats!!! I'm so glad he's finally here! Sounds like the end of the pregnancy was pretty hard.
He looks adorable! I hope everything is going well now. Congrats again!

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