Sunday, May 12, 2013

I have to tell someone....

So, the past couple of weeks have been interesting!

It started with an incident at dinner while I was out with my sister and future sister-in-law for a girls' night. Then there was an issue with half a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast one morning. That same week I went through four bras to find one that I could wear to work and I cried through an episode of Deadliest Catch. I warned hubs....

Poor guy. We had agreed to test on Friday. I told him I didn't even need to test. He assured me that it was just me obsessing. I wanted it too badly. Thursday, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I figured if it turned out negative I could spend the night alone crying and dealing if that was necessary. If it was positive, I would have one heck of a surprise for hubs.

Turns out... I floored him at his dinner break!

It didn't take long for both those beautiful pink lines to pop up on the test. I cried, called my mom, cried, called his mom, then planned my surprise.

I packed his lunch and stuck the test in a baggie on top of his lunch. It was almost more than I could bear, waiting for him to come to supper. He threw the test down and sat silently for about ten minutes. It was hilarious.

He's taking this very quietly. We both are. We're very nervous I think about this one. I'm not as stressed about it this time though. I'm pretty laid back. There isn't any urgency. I'm just taking it one day at a time. We're planning on waiting till about ten weeks to go to the doctor.

This time I know when and how far along. We didn't really try. I was still reeling from Espe and it slipped by. I knew there was a chance but I wasn't really hopeful about it.

Please send all your good thoughts and prayers and wishes our way. I really want this sea monkey to stick around.

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