Monday, January 5, 2009

For those of you keeping score...

She still isn't here.

And, I'm too chicken to test.

Our anniversary is on Thursday so for now I am planning to test first thing Wednesday morning. If I get a bfn and af is still mia we are calling the doc on Friday. My body is doing some strange things right now.

Clomid, up to this point has had pin point accuracy. It is the first time in my entire life that my body seems to agree with itself. Hubby has even joked that perhaps the doc can be persuaded to let me have a lifetime supply.

As of now I have passed both the earliest and the latest af arrival dates with nary a spot or twinge. I have not had a migraine like normal, and although tired, I have not taken a marathon nap that is known here as af's door bell.

The most bizarre of these developments is an insatiable one and I am not talkin food here ladies. I dream about it, wake up thinking about it, and go to bed pleading for one more round. Hubby is beginning to take on the battle scars of a weary warrior.

I'm frustrated, impatient, hopeful, and prepared for disappointment.

All I can do is wait...

Perhaps a few prayers, thoughts, and crossed digits will tilt the scales on my side.


Photogrl said...

I'm crossing EVERYTHING for you...and thinking nothing but positive thoughts!

RBandRC said...

This is so exciting...same naughty things happened me with Lemy. Thinking of you and praying that AF STAYS AWAY!!!! :) ((HUGS))

Michelle said...

I am crossing fingers and toes for you@

emilythehopeless said...

{crossed fingers}

alicia said...

tons of prayers and crossed digits for you missy!!! STAY AWAY AF!!!