Thanks to wonderful, fabulous VA Blondie over at Do Without Doing I have received the Sisterhood Award! This is such a perfect award because I truly feel like I have found a sisterhood of wonderful women to help me stumble around on this icky, bumpy road. I feel very blessed to be included in this amazing circle! Thank you very much VA! I love ya!

The rules for accepting the award are as follows: Put the logo on your blog or post. Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude and/or gratitude. Be sure to link to your nominees in your post. Let your nominees know they have received the award by leaving them a comment on their blog. Be sure to link this post to the person who nominated you for the award.
These are my nominees in no particular order (My brain is not working well enough for any sort of order right now!).
1. Leanne has a great blog and two beautiful new babies! I've been reading her for a long time and I think she is fabulous!
2. Jenni at Trying to Become Pregnant With PCOS has been in my group of reads for a long time too. I love her funny stories. She has had a very hard road, but finally she is close to the end of the finish line!
3. Emily is another long time read. She has been through so much and she still keeps going. I admire her perserverance and strength so much.
4. WaterBishop at An Older Version has a wonderful blog. She has gone through a lot lately and could use a virtual hug.
5. May is awesome! I love the way she writes her posts.
6. Awake on the Night Shift always has fun posts too. I look forward to seeing her pictures and captions.
7. Un-Simple Procreation is a fun blog. She has just changed her blog, but she linked it on her old one. I am so happy that she has crossed the finish line and has a beautiful little girl for a prize!
8. Betty always has something fun to say. She has a lot going on right now and I hope she does whatever makes her the happiest!
9. Who doesn't love Kristen!? I've been reading her blog for a long time and she has been a wonderful support sister for me!
10. Finding Motherhood is last on the list. I lost her for a while after a comp crash mixed up my fav's list and I was overjoyed to find her again with a little one on the way!
I guess that wraps it up. There are tons more out there that have been such a wonderful source of encouragement and warm fuzzies for me. I don't know what I would do without you all!
*******Oh yeah! By the way... A Very happy birthday to Eden!
Aaaaw...I needed something to make me smile today. Thanks a million hon. PS...did you get my email yesterday?
Oooooh .... new blogs to look at, cool!
Thank you for the birthday wishes. I LOVE the very sweet, very innocent "extra leg" picture.
Oh, dear, I've only just found this (I am SUCH a bad commentator. I ought to be sent to bed with no supper). Thank you so much! You've made my day! Ten days late, but still, day. Made. Mwah!
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