Saturday, October 11, 2008


Well, what do you think?

I'm excited about the new look. I hope it isn't too dark. I needed a new look and I felt like I needed a different mood here. It was so much fun to play around with things and if you happened to stop by in the middle of the process you will know that I changed things up several times. I think I'm happy for now though and I think this reflects the blog name and myself much better than those generic thingies.

Anyway, on to a show and tell....
(Ha! You thought that was my show and tell didn't you?!?!)

I like to browse and ramble in this little store down the road from the house sometimes. I usually go there to get some of my cleaning and bathroom supplies and I love to take some time to check out the odds and ends they have in there.

I've been looking at this little hanging since early spring and I always pass it up. It wasn't expensive but I just never could bring myself to pick it up. I saw it every single week though. It got to the point that I would seek it out without realizing what I was doing until I was looking right at it. It is a very simple little thing and I have no true need for it. Still, I was drawn to it.

I went yesterday to the same store to kill time while Hubby slept and of course, there it was. There was only one left this time and it had been marked down to thirty cents. I brushed it off twice before I found myself wanting to see it one more time in case someone bought it before my next trip. I realized how silly I was being and I picked it up. I didn't realize until I was in the car how attatched to it I had become. I felt like I had gotten a special treasure and I couldn't wait to get home and hang it up.

I've been thinking a lot lately about this cycle and this little hanging says so much about our lives right now. I hung it on the wall right beside our bedroom door so that I can see it from where I sleep and both Hubby and I will walk by it numerous times a day. Hubby saw it once I hung it and immediately picked up on all of the reasons why it was so perfect for us.

It has the word "hope" on it. I know that seems like an obvious word choice for a couple headed into their 6th year of infertility, but hope is also the meaning of our girl name choice if we ever do get pregnant. I also think if we ever did get pregnant our child would definitely signify lots of hope for our lives and future. The rainbow makes me smile each time I look at it and I feel a bit brighter.

I watched an episode of Op.rah a few months back and she was talking about a "vision board." Now, I'm not one to think that by pasting a picture of a new car on my wall I will somehow magically find myself sitting in the driver's seat, but I do think that positive thoughts and reminders are helpful when you are working so hard for something. Someday, this is going to look beautiful in our baby girl's bedroom!

***I need to say a quick thank you to Kristin! As you can see, my memory card is working again and thanks to her I didn't lose a single picture!

Now, Go and check out the rest of the class!

Show and Tell


Kristin said...

What a lovely cross. I am so glad you didn't lose any pictures.

AnotherDreamer said...

How befitting :) said...

Quite a find...and something that will make you smile or ruminate everytime!

'Murgdan' said...

That is so pretty. I, too, have at least a dozen little signs hanging all over town that I have passed up a million times.

Michelle said...

That is perfect!

Photogrl said...

I love the new look of your blog...especially the header!

30 cents for that cross? What a steal! It's so pretty.

battynurse said...

Isn't it funny how we will see something and be drawn to it yet keep putting off buying it? Glad you got it for yourself.